New Moon Forecast is an astrological report from 24.1. to 22.2.2020
Quite many of us have felt a certain, distinct change in the energy around this turn of the year. Something similar to when after a tiresome and stressful period one can finally drop the heavy weights off the shoulders, straighten the spine and take in a lungful of fresh air. It is not going to be only singing and dancing in flowery meadows this year, but nonetheless something has fundamentally changed and it feels mighty fine. There’s truly exciting and tempting potential ahead of us. This year gives us great support and possibilities to make a big shift in life. It has such a wonderful energy of growth, expansion and realisation. In the lives of so many it will feel as if the wheels are turning and things start to happen at totally different pace and much larger scale than ever before. At its best this is the year of major opening, awakening, flowering and receiving.
The first New Moon of the year 2020 is in future oriented, innovative and reformist Aquarius. Aquarius is a paradoxical sign that is sometimes hard to understand. It is the sign of individuality, independence and freedom, but at the same time it is deeply communal and focused on the common good and things that benefit us all. Aquarius preaches about human rights, equality and world peace, it has an ethical aspiration to bring together and unite everyone regardless of one’s race, gender identity, religion, age, appearance or nationality, and build a world where the benefit of the group is more important than the benefit of the egoistic individual. Being a humanitarian, liberal and tolerant, Aquarius wants to believe in the future where we are all allowed to be different but equally valuable.
In the chart of the New Moon there is a very idealistic, benevolent and gentle vibe. Venus, the planet of love is together with Neptune, the planet of the higher universal love in compassionate Pisces. This may be felt as romantic yearning or creative flow, and possibility to deep spiritual connection and blossoming of the heart is available better than ever before. This New Moon has such a delightful combination of warm cordiality and bright consciousness. Sudden insights that come like a lightning bolt or profound changes of perspective may bring a magical solution to a situation that has been weighting you down and seemed impossible to solve.
Uranus, the planet of reform and renewal is in challenging contant with Sun and Moon emphasising Aquarius’ rebel and revolutionary nature. There is an intensive need for freedom and getting rid of old conventional values, and drive to secede and go forward is strong. Uranus butters the wheels of time with such a generous manner that the direction might vanish when speed and change become the main thing. This lunar cycle is highly activating time. You may get amazing ideas, feel the restless pulse of life and get frustrated with anything that seems to be restricting, suppressing or hindering you. There’s a very hectic feeling in the air now, and no patience or judgment in sight.
Without a doubt this is a time for brave beginnings and creativity. Guided by the heart we may direct the laser like focus to things that matter the most. Start now. Do it. Dare to begin. Open your wings and see how life carries you with such ease and so much higher than you ever could imagine.
Aspects of the New Moon:
Sun and Moon conjunct Ceres and Mercury, square Uranus and sextile Chiron. Pluto conjunct Saturn and Ceres. Neptune conjunct Venus and square Mars. Jupiter sextile Venus.
Main themes of the Month:
freedom, individuality, independence, renovation, innovation, sudden and unexpected changes, secession, sudden insights, bright vision, electrifying ideas, hecticness, stroke of genius, enthusiasm, idealism, ingenuity, future oriented action, kindness, benevolence, humanitarianism, common good
Astrology of the Lunar Cycle:
24.1. New Moon 5° Aquarius, 3.2. Mercury ingress Pisces, 7.2. Venus ingress Aries, 9.2. Full Moon 20° Leo, 16.2. Mars ingress Capricorn, 17.2. Mercury retrograde in 13° Pisces, 19.2. Sun ingress Pisces, 20.2. Jupiter sextile Neptune, 23.2. New Moon 5° Pisces.