#Skin ageing


Beautifully ageing skin

According to research only three percent of signs of ageing skin are due to genetics while the rest is up to lifestyle choices. This is very interesting, because according to the South African scientific research based skin care line Esse one of the biggest contributors to the skins health is it’s microbiome, not so much the genetical makeup. And guess what we can do to enhance the skins microbiome? Check our lifestyle choices and our skin care regimen.


Radiant Healing for the Skin

If you somehow missed it before, I’m sure the list of the year’s best cosmetics will have clued you in to my love for Neal’s Yard Remedies and their world-renowned […]


Impressive Wrinkle-Smoothers

Referring back to my recent post on wrinkles, I can already to tell you that next year’s posts will be following a rejuvenating and anti-age theme where my own skin […]



Remember that episode of Sex and the City, called Secret Single Behavior, where Charlotte’s behaviors include examining her pores in a magnifying mirror? While Charlotte is not really on my […]

2024 Katja Kokko
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