New Moon Forecast March 20th to April 17th
We are currently in the middle of one of the most significant and intensive astrological periods in history. Today, on the day of the spring equinox (March 20th), a new […]
>>We are currently in the middle of one of the most significant and intensive astrological periods in history. Today, on the day of the spring equinox (March 20th), a new […]
>>January’s new moon was in Aquarius and , believe it or not, the year’s second new moon (February 19th) is also in Aquarius – as if to emphasize the independent, […]
>>Aquarius New Moon (January 20th) begins the year’s first moon cycle, bringing in new, lighter energy. Compared to the tense mood of the late fall, this fresh new cycle might […]
>>I have another revelation, regarding new things on the blog, to share with you. There is still more to come, but this revelation might be one you hadn’t expected. Quite […]