As the first sign on the zodiac, New Moon in Aries (April 18th) launches a brand new cycle, beginning a year-long journey during which the Moon is reborn in each sign of the zodiac, activating different themes in our lives. Whereas March’s new moon in Pisces signaled a time of relinquishing, letting go, and closure, with the current moon, we have reached a new beginning. At best, we may feel like we can make a fresh start, brimming with excitement and childlike pleasure for the opportunities and changes ahead. You can bring this energy into your life by picturing your life as an empty slate in your mind – a tabula rasa –that is unburdened by memory traces from the past, or mental structures of an imagined future. Today is the day to start afresh – light, free, and childlike.
The new moon being conjunct the Artemis asteroid brings its own interesting flavor to the current period. Out of the Greek goddesses, Artemis was the self-assured and stubborn one, proud in her femininity, and showing solidarity for women; she was a wild and free forest maiden, virgin warrior, midwife, and witch, who knew what she wanted and pursued it tirelessly. What better time, then, than the current moon, to awaken slumbering or active feminine energies, to employ your full potential, and be empowered as never before? I would like say that this moon is dedicated to women who – to quote the title of the famous book by psychoanalyst Clarissa Pinkola Estés – run with the wolves.
All in all, the themes of the current moon are taking initiative, finding and applying one’s own power, frankness, honesty, truth, and discovering hidden strength. The time of victimhood, helplessness , and living in the past is over; embrace your new life as any warrior of light would, and wake up each morning feeling regenerated, cleansed, and full of joy, wonder, and gratitude for the surprises, opportunities, and adventures life has to offer you.
Central themes: new beginnings; excitement; childlikeness; tabula rasa; first steps; courage; trust; a leap into the unknown; wildness; freedom, wild femininity; hidden strength; rebirth.
Astrological codes: Pluto retrograde; Mars square Jupiter, Sun ingress Taurus; Mars trine Pluto; Mars sextil Chiron; Mercury ingress Gemini; Saturn semi-square Uranus; Venus ingress Cancer; Mars ingress Gemini; Mars semi-square Pluto; Mars opposition Saturn.
Kirsi Halla-Seppälä – solution focused therapist, astrologer, self-awareness teacher
For the past twenty years, Kirsi has worked as an astrologer; she has written, taught, and lectured on self-awareness and art of living. She is also a long time member and a previous president of Professional Astrologers in Finland. In addition to lecturing and teaching, Kirsi also works with clients as a psychic astrologer and therapist – she is currently studying psychotherapy at the University of the West of England and the Helsinki Psychotherapy Institute. &
Translation Katja Nikula