
Morning Savior (+ Balmuir Discount Code Reminder)

Lifestyle | 15.11.2014 | Katja Kokko


Is anyone else finding it hard to get out of bed at this time of the year? Do you feel like you could sleep around the clock and still need a nap?

My recent fatigue and general lack of energy has been severe enough to begin reflecting on my mood. There’s nothing like incapacitating bodily and mental exhaustion to get you down.


I love getting up early. The beautiful still energy of early mornings is one of my greatest sources of inspiration. I love tiptoeing across creaking floor boards and into the kitchen, switching on the stove light and making some coffee. I love morning yoga. Due to my fatigue, however, I haven’t always been able to make it to class this fall – despite the studio being only a block away. At least I have my weekly yoga instructor practice to keep me from falling off the wagon entirely.

I have come to accept that, although it seems never ending, my current need for sleep is greater than usual. And I don’t seem to be alone in this: besides flagging friends, even my mother has confessed to being tired – despite her impressive schedule of kettlebells, swim schools, and studies.


What makes getting out from under the covers even harder is the cold. Poke out one toe and you’ll be frozen up to your knees, never mind the full-body shock of ditching the covers entirely. My plans of drinking my morning coffee while wrapped up in Balmuir’s mohair throw have been derailed by the resident feline’s appropriation of said throw. To my absolute delight, this family-run business from Oulu has sent me a cashmere dressing gown. Talk about the lap of luxury…

I hope the dressing gown will keep for the rest of my life. I could spend the whole day wrapped up in it. Its warmth and softness is the saving grace of these grey mornings, and the reason I manage to drag myself out of bed after only thirty minutes of hitting the snooze button.

And would you look at that: the cat has begun climbing into my lap as enjoy my morning coffee. Balmuir – a cat’s best friend.

Use the code KATJA20 at checkout to get 20% off all products at Balmuir’s webstore until the end of November.


Dressing gown gifted by Balmuir

Photos Mikko Rasila

Translation Katja Nikula

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