Beauty Guide – Acne

Recognizing your skintype and its needs is the foundation of a successful skincare recipe. In this section I’ve covered the most common skin problems. Let’s troubleshoot together: I’ll share my best tips and product recommendations.

Atopic dermatitis
Perioral dermatitis

Acne and blemishes

Acne is a very common skin condition that can occur on any skin type. Acne can be caused by, for instance, an upset hormonal balance, intestinal imbalance or problems with the liver. The treatment for acne must absolutely be holistic; mere external treatment isn’t enough to cure what’s causing the symptoms. When treating acne externally, it’s highly important to have a competent beautician to support you. In addition, you need to personally commit to taking care of your skin at home according to the instructions you receive and to treat the condition in other ways, too.

There are various degrees of acne symptoms, and acne can also vary in terms of sensitivity. Some acne skins are very sensitive and reactive, whereas others can be treated with slightly stronger products. Sometimes acne skin can be extremely dry on the surface and sometimes it’s very oily. This is why there is no one-size-fits-all rule that would work in treating acne in every case; instead, the aim should be to try to find, together with a beautician, the products that work for your own skin.

Typically, the treatment of acne starts gently by strengthening the skin bit by bit. The purpose is to initially calm the inflammation and slowly but surely to prevent new pimples from forming and to balance sebum production in the skin. Depending on the severity and sensitivity of the acne, this phase might last approximately six months. Finally, the focus shifts to treating acne scars, which usually takes another six months and often continues beyond that.

The best cleanser for acne skin is cleansing milk; if your skin is very oily, another potential option would be a very mild and gentle gel cleanser. The use of cleansing oil is not recommended because typically it must be rubbed onto the skin using more force. Inflamed acne skin shouldn’t be strained further with any kind of mechanic treatment – in other words, avoid rubbing and forcefully stroking the skin. The products must be applied onto the skin by dabbing and patting gently, and any potential stroking should be extremely light. Use a cleansing product on acne skin also in the morning. Your face towel should be changed either every day or 2–3 times a week. Your pillow case, too, should be changed two or three times each week.

The serum for acne skin is chosen based on skin sensitivity. If your skin isn’t very sensitive, the serum can contain willow bark extract, as it includes salicylic acid that helps dissolve sebum from skin pores. Grain-free exfoliators that contain willow bark extract and fruit acids may also be suitable for acne, but sometimes the skin is so sensitive that all they do is irritate the skin more. You can use a clay-based grain-free scrub as a facial mask to soothe inflammation. You should never use a mechanical scrub on acne skin. Prebiotics and probiotics are very useful in treating acne because they help in building a diverse bacterial flora for the skin and thus prevent any single strain of bacteria from dominating on your skin. Alkaline products, baking soda or salt should never be used on acne skin.

The moisturizer for acne skin should be a thin one, and you then follow it with a face oil, too. In addition, you should protect the skin with foundation. The best choice for acne skin is mineral make-up powder because it helps to cover uneven skin tone but simultaneously lets the skin breathe.

Novoexpert Clear skin foaming gel
Novexpert Clear Skin Foaming Gel
Esse Cream Cleaser
Esse Cream Cleanser
Tata Harper Nourishing Oil Cleanser
Tata Harper Clarifying Cleanser
Tata Harper Clarifying Cleanser
Laponie of Scandinavia Milk Cleanser
Whamisa Refresh Toner
Whamisa Refresh Toner
Whamisa Organic Fruits Peeling Finger Mitt
Whamisa Organic Fruits Peeling Finger Mitt
Juice Beauty Green Apple Peel Full Strength
Juice Beauty Green Apple Peel Full Strength
Tata Harper Clarifying Mask
Tata Harper Clarifying Mask
Absolution Le Soin Purifiant
Absolution Le Soin Purifiant
Whamisa serum treatment
Whamisa Sebum Treatment
Kypris Clearing Serum
Kypris Clearing Serum
Novexpert Vitamin C Booster
Novexpert Vitamin C Booster
Whamisa water cream
Whamisa Water Cream
Esse Omega Light Moisturiser
Tata Harper clarifying cleanser
Tata Harper Clarifying Moisturizer
Novexpert Vitamin C Booster
Novexpert Trio-Zinc Purifying Gel
Whamisa facial oil
Whamisa Facial Oil
Lilfox Seabuck + Neroli Face Nectar
Yuli Cell Perfecto PM
Yuli Cell Perfecto PM
Esse Probiotic Serum
Esse Probiotic Serum
2025 Katja Kokko
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