#Dry skin


Winter Must Have – Facial Oil

I’ve been going on about the importance of splashing on plenty of toners so much that by now everyone around ne should be glowing like a boiled, peeled egg thanks to the 7 Skin Method! Along with hydration, oiling the skin is at least as important and mustn’t be forgotten.


Gentle Skin Potions alá May Lindstrom

This post is a collaboration with Naturelle.fi With Easter over and our tummies full of chocolate eggs, it’s time to get out the gentle skin potions. Spring-time is notorious for […]


DIY Genuine Beauty Oil

Greetings from the land of winter! We had a bit of a temperature drop. Followed by dry air. Which led to dry-as-the-desert skin. And due to these sudden changes, and […]

2024 Katja Kokko
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