

Beauty | 10.11.2014 | Katja Kokko


Remember that episode of Sex and the City, called Secret Single Behavior, where Charlotte’s behaviors include examining her pores in a magnifying mirror?

While Charlotte is not really on my list of most identifiable characters, it probably comes as no surprise to you that I share her secret past-time. The light of my bathroom mirror is bright and merciless; but whereas before I used to spend my time perusing pores and blockages, this fall the mirror has revealed a new, harsh truth about my face. At thirty-years-old, my skin has begun to age.

Oh man, is this how it starts? I’ve always thought wrinkles and lines were beautiful, no matter how old you are. But discovering some on my own face is just…confusing.


It’s not that I’m panicking or having a crisis over it; it’s more like a light bulb went off in my head and made me realize that life advances at amazing speed, and there’s no returning to my teenage years. I’m living my life as grown woman, and wrinkles are to be expected on this journey. The face in the mirror is suddenly that of an adult – how strange! But what is even stranger is that I almost feel a sense of pride over these first ageing wrinkles.

It’s been especially enlightening to examine my wrinkles after the summer, now that my tan has faded. My hours spent in the sun (which was about 90% of them) last summer have done their job: the structure of my skin has changed in certain places, with some wrinkles noticeably deeper than before.

Now that hormonal breakouts are more or less over, it is time for me to move to the next stage of skin care: the anti-age club. This should be interesting, and as we speak, my first batch of test-subjects is on its way across the Atlantic to join my little sanctuary of pots and potions.

I’ll get back to you on that, but in the mean time, I recommend reading this article, written by me and photographed by Kirsikka, about night-time skin care (very important for ageing skin) and check out the product recommendations in this article at Ellit.

Finally, a public service announcement of sorts: my inbox is constantly flooded with questions about skin care, and which products to use. I’ve also begun receiving some really long questions about these same subjects in the comments section of the blog. I am touched by your faith in my expertise, and that you would come to me with your queries. I’ll gladly answer quick questions in the comments. However, I cannot provide comprehensive skin care consultation (through email or in the comments) or I’ll be sitting here around the clock. I’ve therefore designed an electronic Personal Beauty Guide for you, the visual look of which my friend Kirskikka and Tuukka are currently working on. In the future, any lengthier questions will come through the service, hopefully making things easier for everyone. I can’t wait to share this with you!


Photos Katja Kokko

Translation Katja Nikula

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